Clicking on an Individual Label category generally displays all/most of your posts (under that particular category on a single page. This has the following disadvantages 1. When the number of posts under a particular category is large, the single page becomes so long that it becomes a hinderance to easy reading. 2. It makes your blog look ugly. 3. It reduces the number of your page-loads. This often translates into reduction of your advertisement revenue. The way out is a simple html hack that will allow you to display only a specific number of posts per page following a lable click/search. Thus to display only a specific number of posts per page follow the following steps 1. You should have label widget installed in your blog to proceed further. 2. Now go to Dashboard > Layout > Page Elements > Edit Html Page > Expand Widgets 3. Now search for the HTML code displayed below <a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:l