If you thought mobile phones were solely meant to be used for the purposes of communication, stop and think again. The following post lists the top 5 alternative uses of a mobile phone. 5. Quick Snap - With almost all handsets now being equipped with a camera, your mobile phone turns into a handy tool to capture all those precious moments from life. 4. Calculator - Your mobile phone's inbuilt calculator comes in very handy when you are in need of doing some quick calculations. 3. Listening to Music - Mobile phones have fast become our favourite device when it comes to audio entertainment. 2. Gaming - Playing games on mobile phones is the ultimate boredom killer. 1. Alarm Clock - In a survey conducted by me on Facebook and Orkut as many as 98% of the respondents claimed to have used, at least once, their mobile phones as an alarm clock. What according to you are the top 5 uses of a mobile phone? Do share your views.