Mozilla's Firefox may well be the world's most popular browser, yet its absence from the iOS comes as a surprise for many. The primary reason for this is because Apple does not allow browsers using rendering engines other than Webkit on its iOS platform. iOS is the operating system on which Apple products like the iPad run.
Apple's policy regarding the use of rendering engines on browsers has forced Mozilla's to develop 'Junior' – a completely new browser for the iPad that uses the WebKit rendering engine.
As per reports, 'Junior' will release as a full-screen browser with no tabs or search bar to interfere with your browsing experience. However these will be available at the touch of a button to allow you to navigate your way through the world wide web.
According to Mozilla, Junior makes "browsing more fun, more ergonomic and re-thinks browser user experience from the ground up"
Since Junior is currently in development more, it won't be available any time soon but once it releases it is sure to emerge as the most favoured browser as far as the iPad users are concerned.